
Your Trusted Personal Insurance Consultants

Toh Mee Peng B.A. (Hons)

Group Sales Manager | Registered Financial Planner

 Awards : Million Dollar Round Table, Million Dollar Agency Award, Supremacy Summit

 Years of Service : 13 years

 Languages Spoken : English, Mandarin, Malay, Cantonese, Hakka

I am proud that my team and I represent one of the strongest life insurance groups in Malaysia, and we would feel privileged to help you and your family achieve your financial freedom. We are also able to help provide financial security for your businesses. With a couple of productive consultative meetings, you will be able to decide on the financial solutions and services that you’ll need for the present and the future. By building a rapport and business relationship, you will always be dealing with me, your friend who always seeks out the best in helping you secure your wealth with the utmost proficiency.

Hor Mon Ket B.A. (Hons)

Unit Sales Manager

 Years of Service : 12 years

 Languages Spoken : Cantonese, Mandarin, English, Malay

Helping people achieve a peace of mind is my pleasure. When they need advice on how to manage their financial future, I will be there to share my professional knowledge and expertise. I am able to carefully help them assess their current needs and work out a viable plan to provide financial security.

I am so glad to be a part of Serve & Lead because this is the team that treats all our clients as our friends. There is no greater joy than seeing our friends do well in life and create lovely memories with their loved ones. With proper financial planning, their beautiful dreams for their loved ones can continue on without regrets because their dependents will be financially well]provided in uncertain time.